Notes on Hope Devotional
Proverbs 6:21-22 (NIV)
Bind them always on your heart;
fasten them around your neck.
When you walk, they will guide you;
when you sleep, they will watch over you;
when you awake, they will speak to you.
While Psalms is a balm of comfort and hope for our souls, Proverbs is a handbook for living wisely. These verses offer a diagnosis, prognosis, and prescription. Like the supplements I take in the morning, there are multiple benefits.
The verbs in verse 21, “bind” and “fasten,” indicate a sense of strong attachment. Recently, I was a foot passenger on a ferry with some friends. We positioned ourselves to be in the front as the ferry landed and the ramp descended. I watched intently as two crew members reached for two thick ropes at each side of the ferry to fasten onto the dock. As they placed the ropes on cement poles, the ferry was tightly tethered and in place. Like the ferry, we can securely fasten God’s Word in our minds, staying steady in the storms life brings.
The verbs in verse 22, “walk,” “sleep,” and “wake,” offer the reality that whatever we are doing, wherever we go, throughout the day, God’s Word is alive and active. The promise that it will “lead,” “protect,” and “advise” us indicates a constancy and presence free from fear and anxiety.
How do we land in the place and live there where we experience God’s Word like this? We don’t start with a guilt trip. We begin with reading where you are. Reading intentionally with a desire to absorb and grow will allow the words to be planted in our minds. Reading more than once, while reflecting on one or two words allows us to slow down.
My friend, Cathy Fort Leyland says, in her book Whispered Wisdom, “In this hectic, fast-paced world it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and stuck in a rut. One of our greatest needs is to walk beside still water so our soul may be restored. We long to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd whisper words of life and truth into our innermost being.”
Begin where you are, taking time to read, reread, meditate, and memorize God’s Word. Time in the Word is never wasted. Truly, Scripture guides, guards, and gives us hope as we hold on tight and don’t let go.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for Your Word and the promises we have. Help us “tie it” to our minds and souls as we trust You. Help us keep coming to Your Word and holding on to the promises, not letting go. In Jesus Name, Amen.