Burden Bearer
Psalm 68:19 (NIV)
Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior,
who daily bears our burdens.
This verse is part of a Psalm where David is declaring God’s majestic power. He first offers praise to the Lord. Charles Spurgeon considers praise to be “applause for God’s goodness.” When I applaud a piece of music or a speech, I give feedback in response to the singer or the speaker. In giving God praise, I am declaring, thanking, expressing, and giving my full attention to Him. Like David, I’m praising the God who is my Lord and Savior.
Because God is so awe-inspiring, holy, and majestic in who He is, I am unable to comprehend it all. That He became human at all is beyond my brain. God is more than deserving of my praise for who He is than I will ever be able to express. In addition to praising Him for who He is, we are called to praise Him for what He does; daily bears our burdens.
Tim Keller says, “To bear someone else’s burdens is to sympathize, identify with, and become involved in the person’s life so they do not have to face it alone.” God does this.
Not once in a while, but every day, every hour, God is able to bear our loads.
We don’t have to carry it, deal with it, figure it all out, solve it, or manage it all. God does this.
Burdens don’t look the same. We each have our own; health issues, family dynamics, financial concerns, daily living on this planet where cars break down, houses need fixing, and exhaustion is part of our lives. Being human means having burdens.
My life may look different than yours, but we can all come to God and praise Him for daily bearing our burdens. As we lift our praise to God, He lifts our burdens and comes alongside us. How can we not give Him praise?
Dear Lord,
Thank you for being a God who bears our burdens. We praise You for Your goodness, grace, and faithfulness. Your promise to bear our burdens is our only hope in this life. We give you our praise in daily bearing our burdens. We rest from the weariness when we do. Thank you, Lord.
In Jesus Name, Amen.