Prayer of Encouragement
Philemon 4, 5 (CSB)
I always thank my God when I mention you in my prayers, because I hear of your love for all the saints and the faith that you have in the Lord Jesus.
Tucked between the book of Titus and Hebrews is a little-known book of the Bible called Philemon. Paul wrote this epistle from prison in Rome to Philemon who hosted a church in his home in Colossae. There’s not much we know about Philemon, except in these 25 verses. However, his life is remembered by Paul because of his love and faith.
This verse would be like receiving a note from a friend with these words to you:
Every time I mention you in my prayers, I thank God because I hear of the love and way you are growing in your faith. What an incredibly encouraging thing to receive; being prayed for and being known because of your love and your faith.
Two things are worth considering in this verse.
First, the power of prayer is a form of encouragement. I’ve been on the receiving end of being prayed for and heard the words, “I’m praying for you.” Hearing those words communicate such a message of love and affirmation. Don’t doubt that letting someone know you are praying for them makes a difference.
Second, our words are powerful. They can be weapons to harm or instruments to heal.
There’s a space in us that needs to hear words of hope and encouragement to keep going, stay faithful, and finish the course.
And finally, let’s ask some questions:
What opportunities do I take to pray for others?
Can I let someone know how much their prayers mean?
Can I encourage someone I know by affirming their love and faith?
How do we want to be remembered?
We don’t do life alone and we truly need each other. Let’s offer our prayers and words to encourage each other in our faith journey.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for the gift of prayer. Thank you for your Word to us that models prayer. Make us aware of how we can pray for each other and encourage each other. Turn our attention to noticing the love and faith in others around us.
In Jesus Name, Amen.